Last Updated: 29/07/2023


S Grade Limited respects the privacy rights of its online visitors and is committed to providing a secure online environment. This Privacy Policy details the types of information we gather from our website’s visitors and how we use, store, and protect it.

1. Information We Collect

Non-Personal Data: We automatically collect non-identifiable data through analytics tools and cookies. This includes:

User behavior patterns and site interactions.
Browser type and version.
Device operational system.
Geographical location.
Traffic source or referral source.

2. Purpose and Usage of Data

We utilize the collected data for:

Monitoring, improving, and analyzing our recruitment process.
Enhancing user experience and tailoring content to user preferences.
Sending out email updates and newsletters to those who voluntarily sign up.
Note: We do not share, sell, rent, or trade any non-personal data with third-party entities.

3. Data Storage, Security, and Integrity

All data is securely stored on Google’s Cloud Service. We employ advanced security measures and best practices like encryption and regular audits to ensure the safety and integrity of the data.

4. User Rights & Control

Users have the following rights:

Data Erasure: Users can request data deletion if they believe their personality can be identified within the non-personal data. Requests can be directed to

5. Data Retention

All collected data is retained for a period of 2 years. Post this period, the data is systematically destroyed and no longer retrievable.

6. Third-Party Services & Transfers

Google Analytics: Our website employs Google Analytics to gain insights into user interactions. This service may collect data like user location, device OS, and traffic source.

We do not engage in any other international data transfers.

7. Data Breaches

Should there be any unauthorized access or breach, we pledge to:

Act promptly to contain the breach.
Assess the risk associated with the breach.
Notify all potentially affected users, especially if personal data is believed to be compromised.
Review and improve security measures.

8. Minors

We do not knowingly collect or store data related to minors. If we ascertain that a minor’s data has been collected, steps will be taken to expunge such data.

9. Privacy Policy Updates

We reserve the right to update this policy periodically. It’s recommended that users review this page occasionally to remain informed.

10. Contact & Grievances

For questions, clarifications, or concerns regarding our privacy practices or this policy, please reach out to us at